5G is the latest generation in mobile data communication. 5G is on its way and will change the world. Economic Board Groningen initiated the 5Groningen program to investigate how 5G can speed up or create new innovations. First we test these applications in our 5G Lab at the university campus, after which they’re re tested ‘in real life’ outside the city. This is the only rural 5G field lab in the world! The northern of the Netherlands is the ideal testing ground, not only for the Netherlands or Europe, but for the whole world. Perhaps for your company too?
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Partners of 5Groningen
Vodafone, Ericsson, Huawei, KPN, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy of the Netherlands, TNO, SURF, Economic Board Groningen, Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
5Groningen is made possible by the European Regional Development Fund.
This movie is narrated by Nick Stevens, Chief Digital Officer Groningen.